Varicose Veins Patient Guide

By Dr. Edward Mackay

December 24, 2021

Varicose veins are twisted, bulging, bluish or purplish veins that are most commonly found on the legs. They often cause discomfort, especially if steps are not taken to prevent the condition from worsening.

Varicose veins and their smaller counterpart, spider veins, develop due to blood pooling in a superficial vein. Each vein has many tiny valves which help keep the blood flowing upward toward the heart, preventing blood from flowing backward, but these valves can become weak or malfunction. When this happens, it causes the blood to pool, which makes the vein swell.

Because pressure builds up in the vein walls, this can cause other symptoms such as pain and fatigue. As circulation becomes sluggish, discoloration and texture changes of the skin may occur. Plus, if a vein gets too close to the skin’s surface, it can rupture and form a skin ulcer, which can lead to an infection.

You don’t have to wait for varicose veins or spider veins to get worse before seeking treatment. Let’s talk about how a vein specialist can offer a range of treatments that would work for you, and where you can go in the greater Tampa Bay area for world-class vein care.

Conservative Treatments for Varicose Veins

The most common reasons for the development of varicose veins include pregnancy, being overweight, and standing or sitting for long periods of time. To mitigate the risk, wear compression stockings to help support proper blood flow in the legs. It is ideal to wear full-length compression stockings to foster circulation in the entire leg.

If you are overweight, losing weight and getting down to your ideal weight will help to mitigate varicose veins. If your occupation requires that you stay on your feet a lot or sit a lot, try to break it up a little and wear supportive, low-heeled shoes. Keeping your legs elevated when you get home also assists your leg veins in helping blood flow back to the heart.

Minimally Invasive Treatments for Varicose Veins

Many medical treatments for varicose veins and spider veins are now minimally invasive and are completed relatively quickly in your vein doctor’s office. Some of the most popular treatments for varicose veins are the following:


This vein treatment involves your vein doctor injecting a special solution into the problematic vein. This essentially seals off the vein and causes the blood to reroute to nearby healthy veins. The body will reabsorb and eliminate the collapsed vein naturally.

Sclerotherapy is very effective in treating spider veins and small varicose veins.

Endovenous Laser Ablation or Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

The two most popular types of ablation used for vein treatment are laser energy (endovenous laser ablation) and high-frequency sound waves (radiofrequency ablation), which heats up the vein to naturally seal it. Both procedures involve the use of a tiny catheter, which applies heat directly to the problematic vein.

Ablation is highly effective in treating medium to large varicose veins.


A microphlebectomy involves making very small slit-like incisions and physically removing the veins through them. This method is commonly used to treat medium or large varicose veins.

Vascular Surgeon in Tampa Bay

For optimum vein treatment, choose a highly skilled and experienced vein specialist.

Dr. Edward Mackay is a board-certified and fellowship-trained vascular surgeon in Tampa, with years of experience in successfully treating vein issues. Dr. Mackay wants to greatly reduce, if not completely eliminate, your risk of complications from varicose veins, as well as restore the beauty of your legs.

Dr. Mackay is highly sought out for his expertise in treating varicose veins and spider veins, and he trains other doctors around the world in the treatment of vein disease.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Mackay, call our Tampa Bay office today at (727) 781-5652 or fill out our convenient appointment request form. We look forward to helping you enjoy beautiful, clear skin on your legs once again!

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