Spider Veins vs Varicose Veins

By Dr. Edward Mackay

September 23, 2023

Updated September 23, 2023

Varicose and spider veins, two prevalent yet distinct vascular issues, afflict many individuals worldwide. Dr. Edward Mackay, a prominent Vein & Circulation Specialist and Vascular Surgery expert at Dr. Mackay Vein, assists patients in understanding and managing these conditions, offering cutting-edge treatments in the St. Petersburg, FL area.

There are two types of vein issues that often become confused or equated with one another, and those are:

  1. spider veins
  2. varicose veins

Although similar in some ways, these are two distinct conditions each requiring their own management techniques and treatments.

Get to know more about the similarities and the differences between these two vein conditions as well as the ways they can be treated with Vein Specialist, Dr. Edward Mackay.

Varicose Veins: A Closer Look

Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and twisting veins, often appearing blue or dark purple. They occur when defective valves in the veins allow blood to flow backward or pool, primarily affecting the legs and feet due to the pressure of standing and walking. 

This condition is often associated with aching pain and discomfort.

Spider Veins: The Subtler Cousin

Spider veins are smaller and located closer to the surface of the skin. They are red or blue and, named for their web-like appearance, are commonly found on the legs and face. While generally not painful or harmful, many seek treatment for cosmetic reasons.

Comparing and Contrasting Varicose and Spider Veins

While both varicose and spider veins may stem from similar underlying issues like venous insufficiency, they present distinct characteristics and symptoms.

  • Varicose veins are larger, bulging, and often painful, significantly impacting the affected individual's comfort and mobility. 
  • Spider veins, however, are primarily a cosmetic concern, with the affected veins being much smaller, flatter, and typically painless.


Varicose veins can sometimes lead to more severe health complications if not addressed, including ulcers or blood clots. In contrast, spider veins rarely result in complications and are treated to improve appearance. 

The treatment methodologies also vary; more intensive procedures are required for varicose veins, whereas spider veins can often be addressed with less invasive techniques.

Causes of Spider Veins vs Varicose Veins

One of the facts that make people think varicose veins and spider veins are the same condition is that they have similar causes and origins. Both of these conditions can be brought on by a combination of different factors including genetics (i.e., if a family member has them, you may be more likely), pregnancy, aging, and a sedentary lifestyle, among other factors.

While this means that the conditions are similar, it does not mean they are the same. A person with spider veins may never develop varicose veins and vice versa. 

The primary difference between these two conditions is the size of the veins affected. Spider veins are quite small in nature and often appear as thin bluish lines on the surface of the skin. On the other hand, varicose veins are often quite larger and become much more swollen.

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Spider Veins Are Cosmetic and Varicose Veins Are Medical

  • Spider veins are largely a cosmetic concern rather than a medical one. In other words, spider veins do not cause any medical problems such as blocked veins or arteries or blood flow issues. They are superficial, meaning close to the surface of the skin. 
  • Occasionally, spider veins may be so close to the surface of the skin that they bleed when bumped or rubbed against something hard, but this is rare and the bleeding is minimal.
  • Varicose veins, on the other hand, can be more medical in nature. What this means is they cause symptoms beyond cosmetic issues (while they do cause those as well). The most common complaint about varicose veins is pain. Because these are large veins with pooling blood, they can become quite painful and irritated.
  • The larger the bundles of veins affected and blocked, the worse varicose veins can feel. These veins can also cause problems with overall circulation, bleeding, blood clots, and can sometimes even cause ulcers.

Our Treatment Options For Both Spider Veins and Varicose Veins

Dr. Mackay’s individualized approach caters to the specific needs and conditions of each patient. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the varied treatment options available for both spider and varicose veins.

For Spider Veins


  • Involves injecting a solution directly into the vein.
  • Causes the vein to scar, forcing blood to reroute through healthier veins.
  • The collapsed vein is reabsorbed into local tissue and fades.
  • In summary, sclerotherapy requires a tiny catheter to be inserted into the vein so the doctor can run a chemical solution into the spider vein. The solution damages the structure of the vein, cutting off the spider vein and allowing it to dissolve and disappear.
  • Read more about spider vein treatments

For Varicose Veins

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Regular exercise to improve blood circulation.
  • Weight management to avoid pressure on veins.
  • Leg elevation and avoiding long periods of standing.

Compression Stockings:

  • Help improve circulation, relieving pain and discomfort.
  • Assist veins in moving blood more efficiently.


  • Can also be used for smaller varicose veins.
  • Involves the injection of a solution that scars and closes the veins.
  • Smaller varicose veins are often dealt with through sclerotherapy while the larger, more problematic bundles are treated surgically. 

Endovenous Ablation Therapy:

  • Uses heat from laser or radiofrequency to seal off the affected veins.
  • Minimally invasive and highly effective.

Laser Surgery:

  • Applies bursts of light to make the vein slowly fade and disappear.
  • Typically used for smaller varicose veins.

Vein Stripping and Ligation:

  • Tying off a vein and removing it surgically.
  • Usually reserved for severe cases.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy

  • The surgical technique used is known as an ambulatory phlebectomy and involves small incisions to remove the large bundles.
  • Sometimes the veins leading to the bundles are left closed off, and other times, the blood flow is rerouted by connecting to other, healthy veins.

Read more about varicose vein treatments.

Now that you know more about the differences between spider veins and varicose veins and how they are treated, you can be sure to schedule your appointment for treatment as soon as possible.

Every treatment at Dr. Mackay Vein is administered with the highest level of care, precision, and expertise to ensure both the aesthetic and health concerns associated with varicose and spider veins are addressed effectively. Located in the St. Petersburg, FL area, Dr. Mackay is dedicated to delivering results that not only focus on aesthetics but also on enhancing the patient’s overall vascular health.

Seek Out Effective Pain Relief Tomorrow at Dr. Mackay Vein

At Dr. Mackay Vein, every patient receives personalized care to ensure optimal results. Dr. Edward Mackay utilizes advanced techniques to address the cosmetic and health concerns associated with varicose and spider veins.

Located in St. Petersburg, FL, the clinic is committed to exceptional care, helping patients improve their vascular health. Contact Dr. Mackay Vein to schedule a consultation and explore tailored treatment options. Your path to vascular wellness is just a call away.

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